Friday, March 16, 2007

IT Implementation vs Organization Restructure

The IT development in recent decade created lot of challenges to organization behavior.

Microsoft word processor took away the job of typists. Email stole jobs from office assistants and postmen. Accounting software replaced roles of book keepers. ERP system kicked out production planners. Adoption of new technology changes our work environment and organization structure.

As a software vendor, we come across lot of conflicting situations among IT department and users. Implementing a new IT system means more than rolling out a new system to users but changing their work habit and reassignment of roles and responsibilities. Resistant to change is a normal reaction.

Based on our experience, IT project failure could be a technical issue but in most cases, it is a people issues.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

My first web class

Internet is changing the world.

Yahoo portal is my main page. Google is my default search. MSN is my primary online network. Skype is my second direct line. Blogger is my online journal. They are my daily applications. Without them, I feel like handicap.

With a frequent travel schedule, I missed a few EMBA classes before. Yesterday, Henry offered to set up a web class for me while I was in Beijing. How cool!!!

We used the MSN voice feature first. However, I was not satisfied with the sound quality. Then, we switched to Skype and it was perfect. With a web cam, a free internet web class was set up.

Well, of course it was not the same as "in" the class. The picture quality was not so good. Professor was a moving object that the web cam could not catch him all the time. I could only hear LPs' discussion but did not know who was talking. The worse part was I could not participate in those discussions.

After all, it was an interesting experience. At least, I have a brief idea about what was going on in the first class and the progress of the R-trip.

BTW, it's fun to hear some gossips during the class. haha...