Being a CPA, I have never taken any proper accounting related course. I only studied for professional exam. My professional knowledge and experience were gained from PwC by investing my most precious 5 years. After all, I learned that the published financial statements provided the least information for investment decision.
Today, I had my first proper accounting class. Professor Yip gave me a new perspective about how to review a financial statement. You can smell something by checking the thickness of the report, any photos (irrelevant information), any change of comparative figures, any change of auditor or independent director. Sounds .... did I waste 5 years in PcW?
He emphaized how to avoid type 1 error (total loss) by reviewing the financial statement. He also suggested that we should not make any investment if the expected gain is less than 100%... what? yes....100% in 1 year.
If we follow his approach, we will only make type 2 error (miss a good opportunty). What an accountant investment approach!!!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007

EMBA 有一個傳統,每一科完成後都會和教授吃飯,這科是Operation Management,教授是曾淵滄,飯局在九龍塘會。
什麼五代十國,五胡亂華,炎王子孫,鄭和下西洋,李世民原來不是漢人,李白是俄羅斯人,西施是越南妹,曾教授是曾子後人,是曾特首的阿叔,原來曾特首也是曾總理的阿叔, 聽得我一頭暮水!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
今天又做了一個Group Project,各組的題目一樣,present 的內容大同小異,同組同學和我都是在香港教育制度培育出來的,對於如何「求分」有相同的見解,就像考試捉題目一樣,要知道教授的絕學是什麼,把他的東西發揚光大,應用在各方各面,一般都能取悅他,拿到不錯的分數,這個Sushi Project想爆頭,想出了一招半式,不知道那條Critical Path會否為我們帶來Critical Result!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Linear Programming
Linear Programming is an optimization technique. Giving a set of constraints, you can work out the optimal result mathematically and systematically. It is a scientific way to maximize resource allocation.
I am thinking how to set up a model for the PM problem of my company.
List of project on hand
HR requirement for each project
Number of available staff and their respective cost
Minimize the staff cost to deliver the existing projects on hand
Well, still dun know how to set up the solver?
I am thinking how to set up a model for the PM problem of my company.
List of project on hand
HR requirement for each project
Number of available staff and their respective cost
Minimize the staff cost to deliver the existing projects on hand
Well, still dun know how to set up the solver?
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